Coenzyme Q10 – A natural scavenger of free radicals
The lavera Naturkosmetik research team has developed an innovative Coenzyme Q10 compound of active ingredients. This combination of active ingredients offers effective skin cell protection, stimulates the regeneration of skin cells and gives them new energy.

Fresh energy for your skin cells
The complexity of the daily processes that take place in our body is always fascinating: Without us noticing anything, our body cells do the hardest work every day to keep our metabolism in good order and to keep our body – including our skin – healthy. The coenzyme Q10 found naturally in the body plays an important role in cell supply. It is found in the lipid bilayer of the cell membranes. Coenzyme Q10 primarily acts as a co-factor in the cellular respiration in the mitochondria, the “powerhouses” of all cells. It occurs in the body cells as a biocatalyst and is a vital component to ensure that the metabolic processes work properly.
Q10 is obtained through the natural fermentation of maize starch, using bacteria (Rhodobacter Sphaeroides) and meets the strict requirements of certified natural skin care. In this process, a nutrient solution of glucose is produced (starting from maize or maize starch) that serves to keep the bacteria alive and as a starting point for the fermentation.
lavera Naturkosmetik has proved itself a true pioneer with its research and development work, and has united five naturally found power ingredients into a single effective composition, consisting of natural organic-certified olive oil, substances from olive oil unsaponifiables, Abyssinian oil, plant sterols, and Lecithin. This special active ingredient complex can prevent wrinkles and helps your skin to regenerate itself.

The consequence: The regenerative capacity and barrier function of the skin cells decline, and skin ages prematurely with a greater tendency to form the first small wrinkles. Coenzyme Q10 is used in selected facial and body care products of lavera Naturkosmetik as an anti-oxidant to protect the skin. A sufficient supply of Q10 can thus delay skin ageing.