Organic cucumber – natural beauty booster with guaranteed freshness
With its extremely high water content, the cucumber provides pure refreshment - and not just on warm summer days. Whether on its own, in a salad, on bread or as a healthy addition in infused water, the fresh flavour and its high nutrient content make the cucumber our “all-time favourite”. When it comes to natural skin care, the cucumber is also right at the top of the list of moisture suppliers. Its refreshing effect is simply a blessing for skin and hair!

Popular traditional fruit with beauty benefits
The history of the cucumber goes back one thousand years: the first record of the fruit dates back to around 200 B.C. Even then, the green fruit was used as a healing plant for skin inflammation and was cultivated on a large scale, by the ancient Romans among others. Its success speaks for itself: even today, it is simply essential as a revitalizing plant ingredient in natural skin care products!

The cucumber belongs to the cucurbits family. It is one of the so-called “fruit vegetables” – similar to the tomato. The "Cucumis sativus", which is its botanical name, is a creeping and climbing plant, which also copes well in cold temperatures. Its fruits are very quickly harvestable – as a result of which, it is one of the 10 most popular varieties of vegetable for cultivation worldwide.

Green nutrient miracle
Granted, the cucumber is hardly one of nature’s natural beauties. However, even with just one glance, its dark green, shiny skin conveys the impression of moisture and freshness, in spite of the fact that the unevenness of its exterior is not particularly aesthetically pleasing. As far as this fruit is concerned, true beauty does indeed come from within: it is packed full of beneficial vitamins, nutrients and minerals from which your body and your skin can really benefit. For instance, the cucumber scores points with a high concentration of dietary fibres, potassium, calcium, magnesium, zinc and vitamins.