Organic peach – a fruity ingredient for soft and smooth skin
This sweet and juicy summer fruit is a true all-rounder in the kitchen! Enjoyed on its own or blended into a smoothie, a peach makes a healthy and delicious mid-morning or afternoon snack. However, peaches are not only known for their taste. Their fruity fragrance and the numerous nutrients extracted from the fruit are also ideal to sweeten your daily skin care routine.
Summery fruit treat
The peach tree belongs to the rose family and can be found mainly in the Mediterranean region, Israel, South Africa and North and South America. It finds its origins in China, where the shrub-like tree has been growing since approx. 3,000 years B.C. The ancient Romans are to thank for bringing the peach to Europe, in and around the year 100 A.D. It can grow up to 8 metres tall and, after flowering, it forms round, reddish-yellow stone fruits - the peaches that are so very much loved for their aromatic and sweet flavour.