Rosmarin Stock neu

Organic rosemary – a source of natural energy

Rosemary has been used to improve the memory since ancient times. In Europe, it was applied as a warming herbal tonic, capable of stimulating blood flow and fortifying the circulation. Rosemary has a stimulating, refreshing effect, generating warmth and a feeling of well-being. Its warming properties have positive effects after practising sports. The herb also has anti-inflammatory properties. Here, you can learn why rosemary, in addition to its popularity in Mediterranean cuisine, has a range of health-giving benefits. 

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Nahaufnahme gruener Rosmarinzweig auf dunklem Untergrund

Improves vitality and mood

Rosemary prefers the warm, temperate climate of the European Mediterranean regions , but is cultivated worldwide. After the plant blossoms in summer, twigs are taken from the evergreen shrub to be dried. Essential oils are distilled from the firm leaves, which resemble needles, since the oil is heavily concentrated in them. Essential rosemary oil has a stimulating, anti-inflammatory effect when applied as a tonic and tincture. Lotions containing the essential oil relax the muscles after practising sport.

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Stimulating beauty programme

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Gruener Rosmarinzweig auf dunklem Holztisch

Some of our products contain rosemary extract from controlled organic cultivation. The stimulating, yet relaxing scent can help you to regain your vitality after a long day of activities, and to pamper your skin.

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Naturaufnahme mit einigen gruenen Rosmarinzweigen im Sonnenlicht in Nahaufnahme
Organic rosemary for stronger eyelashes

The power of organic rosemary can also be relied on for natural eyelash enhancement! There is a reason why this beauty ingredient is widely used in eyelash products in natural cosmetics. Why? Organic rosemary stimulates blood circulation, enhancing the supply of oxygen and nutrients to each hair follicle, which strengthens the hair roots and stimulates hair growth. Clear beauty benefit: sleek and strong eyelashes!

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Organic rosemary in our products

Tonifying and stimulating: the fresh aroma of rosemary oil used in lavera Naturkosmetik products can help you to wind down and regain your vitality. As one of the perfectly formulated lavera Naturkosmetik preparations, organic rosemary makes your skin feel silky smooth.

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