Natural mineral clay – cleansing treatment for stressed skin
Deep in the Earth lies the treatment for beautiful and unblemished skin – natural healing clay is a fine, ground powder that consists of sediments from the Ice Age. The fascinating natural material is the perfect care partner for greasy and blemished skin. You too can discover lavera products with natural mineral clay, which, with their meticulous blend of active ingredients, can provide a refined complexion.

Mud bath for pure facial skin
Natural healing clay has been a true friend to skin since the Middle Ages – its anti-inflammatory properties have been used to alleviate both internal and external conditions ever since, e.g. poorly healing wounds. It consists of numerous important minerals, such as silicic acid, silicone, iron oxide and sodium & magnesium salts. It is acquired from loess, a type of clay found several metres beneath the Earth’s surface, and once cleaned, dried and finally ground into a fine powder, it makes its way into a number of lavera Naturkosmetik’s products.