Gruener Tee Blatt Stock neu

Organic Green Tea – Asian Beauty

In Asia, green tea has been a popular health elixir for thousands of years. Its popularity lives on to this day: it is one of the best natural remedies for maintaining good health. As a result, beneficial green tea has also found its way into natural skin care products: lavera Naturkosmetik uses this wonderful natural ingredient for a number of firming and refreshing facial and body care products. 

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Naturaufnahme eines grünen Teezweiges mit jungen grünen Blättern mit Regentropfen

Natural green nutrient miracle

Depending on the variety, the Camellia sinensis is a shrub that can grow up to 4 m tall, or a 10-15-metre-tall tree, which belongs to the camellia family. It is grown primarily in India, China, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Indonesia, Argentina and Brazil, on large plantations. Among other nutrients, the leaves of the tea plant contain xanthine, caffeine, theobromine and polyphenols. Flavonoids, fats and vitamin C are likewise among the important health-promoting components of the beneficial leaves. 

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Green power for beautiful skin

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Naturaufnahme von gruenen Teestraeuchern mit leuchtend gruenen jungen Blaettern in Nahaufnahme

In the skin, they can help to protect against free radicals, thus preventing premature skin ageing. Teatime – me time! Of course, the valuable antioxidants also work in liquid form. Therefore, with a cup of green tea in the morning, you can do also do your skin a favour, from the inside out – enjoy your personal beauty moment!

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Naturaufnahme von Teeplantage mit leuchtend gruenen Zweigen im Vordergrund in Nahaufnahme

Green tea leaves are bursting with pure beauty power: the extracts have an invigorating and circulation-promoting effect – as a result, the plant is the obvious choice with which to add a boost of freshness to shower gels and peels. The high antioxidant content has a positive effect on your entire body. 

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Organic green tea in our products

Organic green tea extract is perfectly suited within a balanced, light facial treatment, which can restore balance to your (combination) skin and help avoid unwanted shine.

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