Organic orange – a mood booster in natural beauty products
A vivacious pick-me-up: the orange impresses on account of its role as an invigorating mood booster, as its fragrance emits a pleasant warmth, which really lifts the mood. Not only can the stimulating effect of the sweet and fruity fragrance lift the spirits, it also has a soothing effect on the nerves. We at lavera Naturkosmetik also make use of the fruity-sweet aroma of this orange power fruit in our personal hygiene products.
![orange-stuecke-stock-inhaltstoffseite-bio-orange Geschnittene Orangenscheiben mit dunkelgruenen Blaettern und kleiner Oelflasche auf weißem Holztisch](
An invigorating boost of freshness, thanks to the fruity orange fragrance
Many associate this orange fruit with the Mediterranean region, which is primarily where it is grown nowadays. However, the deciduous tress, which grow as tall as 10 metres, do not actually originate from this region at all, but rather from tropical Asia. Known in Chinese botanical medicine as "Zhi shi”, it is believed to regulate the life force, the Qi, as it can curb flatulence and bloatedness, among other benefits. In modern cosmetics it is mainly essential orange peel oil that is used, first and foremost on account of its enticing fragrance. That said, orange peel oil also boasts skin-soothing properties and helps to reinvigorate a dull complexion.
![orange-korb-stock-inhaltsstoffseite-bio-orange Korb gefuellt mit frisch geernteten Orangen mit Stengeln und Blaettern](
![orange-blutorange-flatlay-stock-inhaltsstoffseite-bio-orange Halbierte Orangen und Blutorangen mit einzelnen Orangenstueckchen und Schale auf Holztisch](